Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gym Etiquette

It is early in the year and gyms are still filled with “resolutioners."    It is a time that I most want to scream at people, “ETIQUETTE” folks!!!   
A gentle reminder of a few simple common courtesy items:

  • Wipe down your equipment when done.  
  • Put up your weights when done.  Unload the weights off the plate machines.
  • Share machines by allowing others to work in.  
  • Keep socializing for outside the gym.   Nothing breaks your concentration more than buddies having social hour right next to you while you are trying to focus and get a good workout.   
  • Step outside if you are going to chat on your cell phone. 
  • Wear deodorant.   We all sweat at the gym but we need to be sure we are not offending.  
It is the basics of common courtesy.  Something that seems to stop at the door of most gyms. 
Stay tuned………..

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