Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Perfect Lifting Program - No Such Thing

Everyone wants the magic pill, the perfect program….. . Well, it does not exist. Despite all the “experts” publications, the fact is nobody has it figured out.

There are no absolutes in “training science." There is tooo many variables: one’s aerobic base, anaerobic base, training history, hormones, mental and emotional state, and vital signs.

You have to find a program that works for you. One that meets your goals, your strengths, and your weaknesses. There are vast amounts of publications, wisdom based on experience, and opinions from bloggers, trainers, and competitive athletes. Nevertheless, you have to take responsibility to determine if your lifting program is effective and working for YOU. There is no such thing as a perfect lifting program. Stop looking for the magic answers and start learning and adapting to meet your ultimate fitness goals.

Stay tuned……………

1 comment:

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