Monday, February 4, 2013

Almond-Crusted Pork

Almond-Crusted Pork with Honey-Mustard Dipping Sauce

Delicious !!!  Crunchy, healthy..... what more could you ask.


1 serving of crushed pork rinds
1/8 - 1/4 cup almonds (sliced, chopped)
Dash garlic powder
Dash of sea salt
1 large egg white, beaten or 1/4 cup of EggBeaters®
2 center cut pork chops boneless


1.Preheat oven to 425°F. 
2.Place pork rinds, almonds, garlic powder, and salt in a food processor; pulse until the almonds are coarsely chopped. Transfer the mixture to a shallow dish.
3.Place egg white (or EggBeaters®) in another shallow dish. Dip both sides of each pork slice in egg mixture, then evenly coat with the almond mixture. Place the pork in a baking dish that is coated with cooking spray.
4.Bake the pork until golden brown and no longer pink in the center, 16 to 18 minutes.

Enjoy !!

Adapted from  EatingWell March/April 2009

Stay tuned……..

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