Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pull Ups – End Every Session

Pull-ups/chins ups are a superior upper body exercise. It taxes your forearms, biceps, lats and upper back better than any other upper body exercise. Your upper back muscles are difficult to overstrain. Since it is mainly a body weight exercise, you can include this move more frequency.

A couple of points to consider: You can switch hand positions to take stress off the elbows. Try underhand, overhand and neutral grips. I recommend doing them at the end of your workout at least 3 or 4 days a week, regardless of what you trained that day. Do as many continuous pull-ups you can, take a break and do more until you reach at least 30 reps. It does not matter how many sets it takes to achieve those reps, just do them. They are an incredible muscle builder and promote stretching all at the same time.

Stay tuned………..

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

SUCCESSFUL Tip : Envision Your Workout

Visualization creates positive thinking. I have been doing visualization in lifting for quite some time. It is the act of picturing what you are going to do and then making it happen (a rehearsal so to speak). It will strengthen your mind and create a very strong mind and body connection.

My visualization process includes both dreams at night (I have been told I actually sleep with movements of deadlifting with my arms, body movements) as well as right before a lift. For example, as I line myself up to the barbell for a deadlift, I close my eyes and breathe and envision the lift I am about to perform.

Sports science, professional athletes and stress the importance of visualization in performance. Envision your lift in every detail. Then go DO IT.

Stay tuned………….

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Overweight Does NOT Always Mean “Unhealthy”

Doctors, news media, blogs and many so-called “experts” are saying “If you’re overweight, you’re unhealthy.”

This is not necessarily true. As we know (see previous post), body mass index is not an accurate measurement of health. A muscular individual will score higher on BMI because it doesn’t consider the muscle to fat ratio. It seems that the standard medical answer is you are too heavy/overweight and that is the root of all your health issues. Not true in every case. If you are overweight but aerobically fit you are indeed much “healthier” than a skinny couch potato. Consider that there are so many recently published reports that show “fit” vs. “un-fit” is more of an indicator to disease and mortality than “fat” vs. “thin.”

The most important thing you can do to get healthy is to workout. Get in regular physical exercise along with a balanced diet. Focus on a fitness level and not the number on a scale.

Stay tuned…………..